All displayed prices come from a single source of truth: the Apple Stores.

The full list of Apple Stores is available on this page.

Not all Apple Stores allow to buy Apple products online, therefore only Apple Stores that allow online purchases are considered.

Internal processes are applied to align product prices and the different options offered to you for making your choice.

The following information is available to you for selecting the right Apple Store and the right product configuration to purchase:

  • CPU: A CPU (Central Processing Unit), often referred to as the "brain" of a computer, is a hardware component that performs most of the processing inside computers. It interprets and carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing basic arithmetic, logical, control, and input/output (I/O) operations. The CPU plays a role in almost everything your computer does, from writing emails to running games.
  • GPU: A GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), often referred to as a graphics card, is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. It's particularly effective at rendering 3D graphics and performing parallel operations, making it essential for tasks such as gaming, video editing, and machine learning.
  • Storage: Storage, in the context of computing, refers to the hardware devices used to save and retain digital information. It's measured in bytes, with larger multiples like kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), and terabytes (TB). 1TB (Terabyte) is approximately 1000 GB, or 1 trillion bytes. It's a significant amount of storage that can hold a large quantity of data, such as hundreds of high-definition movies, hundreds of thousands of high-resolution photos, or millions of text files.
  • Unified Memory: Unified Memory on a Mac refers to the memory architecture used in Apple's M1 chip, where the CPU, GPU, and other cores share the same pool of memory. This allows for faster data transfer between the CPU and GPU as they do not need to copy data between separate CPU and GPU memory spaces. It can lead to performance improvements in tasks that require both CPU and GPU processing.
  • Display: Screen display size, measured in inches, refers to the diagonal length of a screen. It's a standard measurement used for televisions, monitors, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. For example, a 15-inch laptop screen measures 15 inches from one corner of the visible screen area to the diagonally opposite corner. It does not include the bezel or casing around the screen.
  • Connectivity: GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based navigation system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. GPSCELL is a term often used to describe a combination of GPS and cellular data for location tracking. While GPS uses satellites to provide location data, it can sometimes be slow or inaccurate when the signal is weak or obstructed. Cellular data can supplement GPS by using cell tower triangulation to provide a faster and more reliable location fix. This combination can provide more accurate and reliable location tracking, especially in urban areas or indoors.

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